Behind the Story


THEMES - Acceptance explores themes of queerness, family, finding community, grief, loss, sobriety, and identity. The title Acceptance is derrived from these themes in three ways:

  • Accepting oneself as a queer individual, as well as finding acceptance in community

  • Acceptance as an important part of the grief process when grieving the loss of a loved one

  • Acceptance as an integral step in sobriety

INSPIRATION - While this story is heavily fictionalized, it does find inspiration in Aubrey’s relationship with their aunt who passed away in 2017, as well as Aubrey’s lived experience as someone queer and nonbinary who grew up in central Florida. This narrative piece, although fiction, is a way for Aubrey to pay homage to their aunt, who they did not get to say goodbye to before she passed.

Pictured: Aubrey at 13 years old with their Aunt Judy, 1941-2017